Compatibility with Gravity Forms

JavaScript Conflicts

Gravity Forms may result in different behaviors due to JavaScript conflicts with Starfish Reviews.  Here are some known conflicts and resolutions.  If you find an issue not listed here, please contact support.

Merge Tags Menu Disabled

Within each Gravity Form in the Settings menu, for example under Confirmations, there is a Merge Tag menu option.

Gravity Forms Merge Tags


After installing Starfish Reviews you may find that this Merge Tag menu is now disabled, like so.


To resolve this conflict, please follow these instructions.

  1. Navigate to Gravit Forms Settings page
  2. Find the "No Conflict Mode" option
  3. Enable the "No Conflict Mode" option
  4. Click "Save Settings" at the bottom of the page

Your Gravity Forms Settings for the "No Conflict Mode" should now look like this:

Go back to your Gravity Form and within the form's Settings -> Confirmations you should now be able to access the Merge Tag menu.  

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